I moved to MS in 2005 , previously living in NYC. Although my whole life I wanted a dog I was unable to due to living in apartments. So, when I moved here my first priority was adopting one. I found EMAR through a web search and started looking for my first little orphan to give a home to. I don't know what the attraction was but Lindsay (now named Birdie, after my deceased Mom) caught my eye. At that time EMAR held their adoption days at Bonita Mall and I decided to go se if Birdie would be there. Sure enough she was. I went to her and gave her a scratch on the nose but she seemed sad and I didn't get much of a response which made me feel that she needed someone to love her and give her a reason to be happy. There were other dogs that were more playful but I knew somehow this dog was for me. Well, first impressions are deceiving. Birdie is one of my most happy, lovable and well behaved dogs. She loves bath time, riding in the car, licking any part of me that she can get to and chasing hawks flying high in the sky. I guess her name suits her perfectly. She loves nothing more than to snuggle up with me on the couch and sleep with her head on my lap. I thank EMAR for this precious dog and since my experience was so positive I have adopted 3 more "kids" from EMAR.
2 months after adopting Birdie from EMAR I decided it was time for her to have a companion. I visited the web site to find my next baby and again Millie ( now named Peenut) caught my eye. This time I just headed over to her foster Mom's house and when I saw her it was love at first sight. She is a dachshund mix and the sweetest little girl. Peenut and Birdie hit it off and then I had 2 couch potato's to snuggle up with. I have nicknamed her "the referee" because when all my other dogs (now its up to 7) play outside and act like dogs she stays on the outside of the commotion, circles them all and barks at them. It is so funny and the joy she adds to my life and home is indescribable. Thanks again EMAR for my second success story.
I couldn't look at Peanut's Facebook picture without my heart breaking. I waited almost a month before I contacted Paula...hoping he had been adopted. When she said "Yes, we still have him", I knew it was meant to be. Peanut had been lost and roaming for quite some time before he was rescued by a couple of determined ladies, and he was severely malnourished, wormy, and tick and flea infested. He apparently had been quite abused and was distrustful, although he responded well - warily but well - to love and soft words.
I'd love to relate a "Cinderella" story, but that is not the case. Peanut would not be kenneled or crated, went absolutely crazy when he was confined anywhere or even left in the house alone. Before I figured out the neuroses, we had lots of difficult days, damaged furniture, torn carpets and shredded blinds. I had lots of times that I thought I had really made a serious error in judgment! I finally just decided to adapt my life to whatever worked for him and not to give up on him. He'd had a tough life but I was tougher! I stayed home a lot that first winter so I wouldn't have to leave him outside in the damp and cold. Persistence paid off! Now, beginning our third year together, we've established our routines, he is well-mannered, worships my grandchildren and stays with them gladly when I'm out of town, and is the sweetest, most loving little fellow you could ask for. I won't say it was always easy but it was all worth the outcome. Just like with our kids...they may not always act the way we expect, but we don't throw them away, and they eventually make us proud! Would I do it again? Absolutely! Anything worth doing takes work and when this little boy crawls in my lap and settles down at night, I know it was all worthwhile! He is a joy and a blessing!
Sharon Hurley, Petal, MS
After adopting so many dogs from EMAR I felt that I needed to do more for the cause than just adopt. On a whim, I decided to start volunteering for them. I visited the web site once again and happened to look under the special needs section and saw "Redd". He is a special boy that has only one eye and a front leg that is deformed and was heartworm positive. I noticed in his photo that he was dressed in a Christmas outfit and assumed that he was un adopted for quite a long time. Anyway, on my first day of volunteering Redd was there and my heart when out to him. All the visitors looked at him in his crate but I think wrote him off because of his appearance. I took him out for a walk and he when he lifted his leg to do his thing he fell off balance and my eyes filled with tears and I knew I was going to take him. Well, Redd is now "Dingo" and he has become another wonderful addition to my doggie family. He evens likes all of my cats. His disability does not hold him back from doing anything. He runs just a fast as my other dogs and enjoys running right along with them. As a matter of fact the first time I put him in my fenced in area, I went back in the house and a few minutes later I heard scratching on my door ...who was there...Dingo. This happened 2 more times and I had to modify the fence to keep him from getting out. Three legs and he got over the fence that my other dogs could not. So much for a handicap! He is so sweet and affectionate, another face licker and the happy recipient of belly rubs. The lesson here is NEVER judge a book by its cover. I encourage everyone who is looking for an addition to their family adopt a dog from EMAR. I have found that adopting adult dogs is so much more rewarding. They really appreciate having a good home and it's never too late to teach an adult dog new tricks.....For real. |
We just wanted to share this picture of our boy Ajax who we adopted from EMAR 5 years ago when he was about 3; my husband was in flight school in Meridian. He is still the sweetest and most loving dog, and we still can't believe what a rough start he had in life. We just wanted to let you know he's doing great. We constantly get compliments about what an amazing dog he is, and he is particularly fond of our 6 month old and loves sleeping next to his crib. Thanks for all you and your volunteers do. We can't imagine our lives without Ajax!
Ally & Craig McClure, San Diego, CA |
Shopping for shoes, I came across an East Mississippi Animal Rescue (then Lauderdale County Humane Society) adoption booth in the mall. “Just looking,” I spotted a black furry ball with four legs. He was incredibly cute. As so many young girls do, I asked my dad, “Can I have him?” Then came the word I wasn’t expecting: “Yes.”
Fast forward.
Bear is now a huge happy mutt—quite a transformation from the tiny puppy found in a box dumped at Outback Steakhouse. I’ve grown up quite a bit myself, from an excited 13-year-old volunteer to a still-excited but more capable 17-year-old one.
Not long after adopting Bear, I started volunteering with the rescue. To begin with, my mom would bring me to the event and stay. My initial duties were simply keeping an eye on the cages and cleaning up. Months passed and I kept coming back. Months turned to years. I literally grew up, a little in stature but a lot in maturity. This was reflected in my rescue responsibilities (which I can now drive myself to!), that grew to fostering and handling some adoptions. My love for this rescue work has certainly grown exponentially. Now, as a 17-year-old worker, still practically EMAR’s youngest, I can say I’m proud of my contributions and hope they can continue as my life changes. A couple of things I know for sure: no matter my situation, this love is not a flitting crush—it is a passionate devotion. And Bear will be with me. He was my first rescue dog, and while he won’t be my last, he’ll always hold a special place in my heart, as will the work of the people who made our connection possible. It’s a work I have picked up with the mission of making more of these special connections possible. A work certainly not about me, but about the dogs I and my fellow volunteers save and find a forever home for. A very rewarding work!
Jordan Koch, Meridian, MS |
Just wanted to let you know that Bentley is doing great.
My mom took immediately to Bentley and he spent his days with her and was with her when she died. He goes to "work" now on Wednesdays visiting and cuddling with the folks in the nursing home.
What a blessing he is to us. My sincere appreciation.
Mary Margaret, Jackson, MS |
Cowboy Greighson Andrew Krabacher
What a name huh? But my little bucket of love deserves every syllable of it.
Greighson Andrew came into our lives at a very sad time. We had just lost our Murphy who I had adopted from the pound as a puppy. Murphy was my baby and the love of all my friends and family. It was very hard when we lost him and I mourned him greatly.
They say there is nothing like a baby to heal your heart and Joey had mentioned possibly getting a puppy to bring joy in the house and keep me occupied. I wasn't so sure.
Then one morning I got an e-mail from our now adopted Grammy Paula asking if I knew someone who could help place "Cowboy", a little bull terrier.
I remember sitting and looking at the computer screen for a long time contemplating whether I should open the attached picture. What if I feel in love instantly? Am I ready for this? Then I noticed that Paula had only sent this request to me. This had to be a sign from God. So I opened the picture. And I fell in love right then and there.
4 days later my little Greighson, “Gracey” for short, was sleeping in his new bed. Which also is my bed.
Gracy loves everyone and knows no strangers. Gracy is truly an ambassador for the pit bull breed as I can take him anywhere and he just wants to meet everyone and make lots of friends. Gracy loves and loves and loves. It breaks my heart knowing someone dumped him in a ditch and he has nothing but love for the world and every living creature in it.
God Bless East Mississippi Animal Rescue-
Jenna & Joey Krabacher, Nashville, TN |
Dooley has an abundence of energy. He has brought so much love and happiness to our family. He loves to play ball and runs until he stops for a nap.He loves to give HUGS and has learned to sit, stay, and is very eager to please. He loves to camp and go for ice cream.
Cindy and John, Vermont |
Jackson Beauregard Smith
We got Jackson home, and he met Bella, our 5-month old. She is bouncing off the walls with excitement. He’s looking at me like, “Why did you bring me here with this crazy little puppy?” LOL They are getting along fine so far. She doesn’t want him playing with her toys, and they’re still trying to work out who’s going to be ‘the boss’, but they aren’t fighting or anything.
He did well in the house- he came in and looked around, but he didn’t try to “mark” or anything. He laid on the rug and wanted to play and he loves to be scratched around his ears. He’s not jumping up on the counters or anything like that. He got in his crate with very little effort on our part, and while Bella barked and barked after we all went to bed, he didn’t, except that it sounded a few times like he was telling her to be quiet. She settled down after about 5 minutes, and we all slept peacefully until about 6:15 this morning.
Guess that’s it for now. I’ll update you again later.
Mandy, Meridian, MS |
Greetings from Canada!
We adopted one of your fantastic dogs a couple of months ago. "Hunny Bunn" was being fostered by a local rescue group here in Ontario. We changed her name to Missy since she came from Mississippi.
Missy sailed through the chilly Canadian winter without any trouble. She enjoys long hikes, stealing kleenex out of the garbage, and loud squeaky toys. She is also the star pupil in her obedience class.
Thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who give these dogs a chance at a fun life.
Mary-Jane, Ontario, Canada |
What is the best way to wake up in the morning? For us, it's hearing a shake, then a tail knocking the bedrail. That is our Sally waking up to say hello. Immediately, a smile comes to our faces and our day has started right!
East Mississippi Animal Rescue is the reason our day starts on such a happy note. They saved our sweet Sally and we were so lucky to have adopted her 3 1/2 years ago.
As a red-heeler mix, we soon learned how smart she is. Sally knows her commands, can get the newspaper, yawns on command and we think understands english... well, at least our english! Not to mention, she seems to learn new things all the time.
Such a loving, smart dog who would have probably not lived had she been turned over to our local pound. Thankfully, EMAR is a no kill shelter and Sally was given the chance to find us, her forever home.
Due to our tremendous appreciation to EMAR, we are now volunteers with this wonderful organization. Only those who dive into EMAR can really see what a difficult undertaking this organization faces. Funds are limited, volunteers are in demand, and the dogs continue to multiply.
I have seen things that made me sit in my car and cry due to the heart wrenching conditions some of these dogs are in. I have also cried when I have seen how far they have come once EMAR saves them and finds them a loving, safe forever home.
We are truly thankful for EMAR and the tireless dedication by Paula and the other volunteers. Without them, where would dogs like our sweet Sally be?
Rob & Leea Myers, Meridian, MS |
Scooter is doing just great and has settled into our lives. The other dogs have made friends with him, but the cat is still holding out! He tries to herd her around the house and she doesn't care for that. I don't know how we ever got along without him! He brings smiles to our faces every day!
Thank you so much for allowing us to adopt him and make him part of our family. We are all thrilled with Scooter and I believe he is equally thrilled with us!
Norma & Jerry Neyman, Meridian, MS |
Sesame is doing very well since we adopted her. My daughter and all the neighbors' kids love her. They often spend a long time in our yard after school patting Sesame. We are so impressed on how calm, gentle, and sweet she is with all the kids' running and hugging.
She is house trained already and learning quite a few basic commands very quickly. She can now do sit, down, and a little bit waiting quite well. She also learned to heel & starts to have the concept of walking on the sidewalk rather than everywhere.
I want to thank you again for doing such a great job in placing dogs and cats to the right homes.
Lana, Boston, Massachusetts |